Such an exciting new phase in life will be happening
for me in the next couple of years. For a long time I have spoken about living in a community one day and the reality is here, being part owner of 63 hectares of prime land with existing buildings and some roads, greenhouses, dam and stream, citrus orchards and a pecan nut plantation I think, haven’t seen that bit yet.
Of course being part of group of people with diverse
personalities and agendas will be interesting but give me time and I will soon have them all thinking like me, chuckle… We have neighbours whether we live in the city or country and work colleagues, friends and family in our daily circle of life. My goodness I’ve met some characters, thank goodness I am normal and easy to get along with, when things are going my way.
My brother-in-law Kurt can categorise people into colours when he conducts facilitation meetings. Each colour represents a different type of person and within minutes he knows if he is dealing with a red person or a blue person and can then facilitate between them to make sure they hear and communicate with each other. I know details are important to me and am incredibly organised BUT I can be travelling along on my incredibly organised detailed path without looking at the big picture. Next thing I am far away from the desired outcome.
So we need big picture people that are messy, creative, get sidetracked, ignore the small stuff (cringe) and we need annoying, irritating busybodies so that we can contrast them against the people we really like. Arrogant, noisy, exuberant folk make great sales people which we need and the computer geeks, the hands-on practical, down to earth trades and outdoors types. People to organise food, a café’, look after the wwoofers – PICK ME, PICK ME! I promise not to feed you only raw food.
If anyone would like to join us or if you know of anyone who could benefit and enjoy this lifestyle, please forward on my email. None of us have dreadlocks, honest. But it’s early days so I can’t guarantee it won’t happen!
Yawning through my jet lag, my night and day are still mixed up! Someone said jet lag is worse when you travel forwards in time and not backwards. I woke up at 3am this morning and am trying to stay awake so I can crash early and hopefully sleep through the whole night. Back to work tomorrow, WHAT A SHAME!
In transit on the way back was at Singapore Changi airport, a very attractive terminal with a central display of orchid beds, glass flowers and shiny lighted glass balls. I ignored duty free shops, am still sulking about losing my bottle of dessert wine at Tokyo airport on the way over to England.
Very sad to leave family and my gorgeous little granddaughter but how lovely to have had a month to get to know her. Days drifted by with walks by the river, through the laneways and hedges eating fresh berries straight from the bushes. I enjoyed some ripe elderberries for the first time. Elderflowers are made into cordial and elderberries made into wine. Blackberry season was at its peak, I saw crab apples, rose hips and many apple trees laden with fruit just dropping to the ground. Raw foodies you could feast happily on tons of fruit, I wish there had been time for me to experiment with making loads of raw apple recipes.
I watched many couples wondering what attracts people to each other. So many mixed cultures which in turn means that families are scattered all over the world and international travel is the only way to see loved ones sometimes. My mother left England as a young woman and went to Rhodesia in Southern Africa, there she met my South African father (his mother was Dutch, his father German). I met a Swiss guy in Johannesburg and we emigrated to Switzerland before finally landing up in Australia. Our eldest daughter went travelling a few years ago and met a guy in Spain who turned out to be half English, half Swedish and they have been together for years now in England. If only it wasn’t so far away.
Next thing to look forward to… Christmas in 3 months! Geoff and I are off to Perth to enjoy a family get-together there. And I have never been to Perth way over that side of our huge Australian continent – it takes almost 4 days to drive from Sydney to there, huge distances. We will fly to save time but who knows one day we may have our bus and then we can take as long as we like to travel around the country. Dreaming ……
I had my last opportunity to visit London this week. And as a tourist, I had a fabulous day out to
Camden – street markets, canals, lunchtime stalls, quirky shop fronts, other annoying tourists getting in my way when I wanted to stop and gawk and photograph everything.
The Indian summer is often used to describe warm weather that comes later in the year, after unusually cool summer months and am SO lucky to be having one!
So I walked the half hour to the train station past the semi-detached and terrace houses, under the bridge by the river and went into Paddington, the beginning of The
Underground. From there, armed with my post it note and detailed instructions on which underground platform to be on, I got to Camden Town.
Nearly all the shop fronts have huge artistic displays – shoes bigger than me, tattoo parlours called The Dark Angel and Evil the Needle. Vendors selling the same tourist crap stall after stall along the main road. But away from the main street along the river were more interesting shops and views. Was tempted to try on some clothes but couldn’t be bothered with the hassle, too difficult in small market places.
Inspiral was the 2nd raw café’ on my list to visit – enjoyed a raw cashew cheese tart with side salads and
bought some raw choccies. Nice cooked veggie meals available as well as raw and all sorts of wines and beers, a perfect mix.
No more time to make any more trips into the city which means I have to come back again, of course!