Give your body a treat and eat more fresh foods, so easy to do.

Class 1: Nut milks, seed pate’s, sprouting, raw soups with dehydrated veggie crackers and delicious dessert. All ingredients supplied, full recipe handouts and inspiration to take home!

Lots of taste testing. Arrive hungry to enjoy the food!Raw food-Stuffed Mushrooms

Date: No date at present but can do home workshops if you have 5 or more friends and family to join in. Time: 11am – 2pm

3-hour Lunch Workshop.

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL to secure your place and for catering   purposes.

Cost: $80 per person. $70 for NELN members

Email Joy for direct deposit details.  M: 0428 582258

Number of participants

NELN Members

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E-book with bonus 3 day menu plan, lots of full colour photos!

Joy's Radio Interviews
Gluten, Lactose, Egg Free, 95% Soy Free, Nut Free in Schools