flat tummy

Damn duty free shops, they shouldn’t be allowed or at least we shouldn’t be forced to walk through them to get out of the immigration area. 

Here I am home again, holidays over and getting into the daily routine of life. Routine helps us get back on track sets the boundaries and life flows smoothly onwards.  Geoff and I went past the supermarket and I stocked up on my staples: tomatoes, cucumbers, red capsicum and leafy greens – cos lettuce or bok choy, English spinach.

Unless you have experienced the incredible lightness of being with a high raw diet, it’s hard to describe it to you – the flat tummy feeling, the energy levels, the juicy refreshing delicious dishes.  It’s like looking at life through clean clear lenses.  red capsicum sauce

Lots to catch up throughout the day, the usual holiday return stuff, piles of mail to open, washing to do, unpacking.  Buzzing around happily getting in order and feeling productive.  Night time draws near, the computer calls with so many things to action for my business, the raw food groups, friends and family.  I have had dinner, I am full, truly.  8pm and am leaning towards having a ‘little something’, just a snack which could be dates or nuts but wait….

Duty free.  Damn duty free.  I know it’s in the cupboard, behind closed doors where I put it.  Why did I buy it?  Well because it’s a good price, tax free and nice to have now and then.  And the toblerone was buy 3 get 1 free, mini toblerone white, milk and dark choccies sitting in the cupboard right next to me. Who can I blame, there must be someone I can point a finger at after I have drunk a healthy triple tot of Southern Comfort and ingested a few mini choccies.

Scene of the crime – empty glass and chocolate papers strewn across desk.

duty free Southern comfort and chocs

If the government didn’t charge such hefty import taxes on some commodities then there wouldn’t be duty free shops and we wouldn’t feel almost compelled to enjoy the cheaper prices.  So I am blaming the government for my night time weakness!


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